FOOSA Video Requirements
You will need to record a video in which you perform whatever is listed above as required for your instrument. No professional videography is needed. A video recorded with a smartphone or computer will be good enough. Accompaniment is acceptable on solos but by no means required. Acceptd offers several options for uploading video files. You are also permitted to send YouTube links. Feel free to email us at cmarchese@yoofresno.org with any questions.
FOOSA Audition Requirements
For FOOSA 2025, violin applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
Solo: One solo work or one movement from a Concerto or a Sonata (with or without piano) of the participant’s choice that best demonstrates the level of their playing.
Required excerpts: Click Here for Violin Audition Repertoire
For FOOSA 2025, viola applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
Solo: One solo work or one movement from a Concerto or a Sonata (with or without piano) of the participant’s choice that best demonstrates the level of their playing.
Required excerpts: Click Here for Viola Audition Repertoire
For FOOSA 2025, cello applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
Solo: One solo work or one movement from a Concerto or a Sonata (with or without piano) of the participant’s choice that best demonstrates the level of their playing.
Required excerpts: Click Here for Cello Audition Repertoire
For FOOSA 2025, double bass applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
Solo: One solo work or one movement from a Concerto or a Sonata (with or without piano) of the participant’s choice that best demonstrates the level of their playing.
Required excerpts: Click here the Bass Repertoire
a. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, movement 3 (mm. 1-18, mm. 53-100. Trio: beginning to letter B)
b. Mozart: Symphony No. 40 movement 1, (pickup to measure 115-138, 191-225.), Movement 4, (mm. 33-54)
c. Mahler: Symphony No. 1, movement 3 (mm. 3-10)
d. Britten: Young Person’s Guide to The Orchestra (variation H)
For FOOSA 2025, flute applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
One unaccompanied work or One movement from Concerto or Sonata (with or without piano).
Excerpts (see the music provided below):
a. Flute:
I. Ravel: Daphnis et Chloe, Suite No. 2
II. Beethoven: Overture “Leonore” No. 3
b. Piccolo:
I. Ippolitov-Ivanov: Caucasian Sketches, No. 4: Procession of the Sardar
II. Tchaikovsky: Symphony #4: III Scherzo
Required excerpts: Click Here for the Flute Repertoire
FOOSA 2025 Oboe Audition List
Please submit all repertoire as individual videos. Excerpts can be downloaded here.
1. One movement from an oboe concerto or sonata (with or without
piano). No English Horn solo piece.
2. Excerpts (see the music provided below):
a. Oboe:
I. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Variazione 1a
Rehearsal 77 – 8 bars after rehearsal 80. No repeat.
Beginning to downbeat of rehearsal 3
For FOOSA 2025, we have two English Horn positions. If you would like to be considered for English Horn position, please prepare the entire package (oboe solo, oboe excerpts, English Horn excerpts). If you would like to stay on oboe, please prepare only the oboe solo and excerpts.
1. One movement from an oboe concerto or sonata (with or without piano). No English Horn solo piece.
2. Excerpts (see the music provided below):
a. Oboe:
I. Stravinsky: Pulcinella Variazione 1a
Rehearsal 77 – 8 bars after rehearsal 80. No repeat.
Beginning to downbeat of rehearsal 3
b. English Horn (if you would like to be considered for English Horn):
I. Stravinsky – Rite of Spring introduction, rehearsal 3-4
II. Stravinsky – Rite of Spring introduction, 4 bars before rehearsal 11 to 12.
clarinet AUDITIONS
For FOOSA 2025, clarinet applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622: 1st movement: Allegro - exposition.
2. Excerpts (click here for music):
a. Beethoven: Symphony No. 6, mvt. I – [K] – end
b. Borodin: Polovtsian Dances: [B] to 9 before [C]
c. Rimsky Korsakow- Capriccio Espagnole- Movement 1: [A] - to [B], [C] to 11 before the end
d. Rachmaninoff 2nd Symphony- 3rd movement: Bar 6 to one bar before no. 47
For FOOSA 2025, bassoon applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. Three octave chromatic scale: Low Bb to High Bb
2. Solo work: Choose one of the following
a. Mozart Bassoon Concerto in Bb 1st mvt as marked
b. Weber Bassoon Concerto in F 1st mvt as marked
3. Excerpts (click here for music):
a. Marriage of Figaro meas. 139-171 (as marked) quarter = 152
b. Ravel Bolero: Solo
c. Tchaikovsky 4th Symphony mvt. 2 solo as marked
For FOOSA 2025, we have two contrabassoon positions.
Candidates should prepare and record:
One scale of their choice showing the range of the instrument
One piece of their choice
Three excerpts (click here for music):
Beethoven: Symphony n.5 mvt IV measures 374-391 and 401-415
Brahms Variations on Haydn theme op. 56 Variation IV=measures 264-292
Mahler Symphony n. 4 mvt I 11-13
For FOOSA 2025, horn applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. Choose one of the following solos:
a. Movement 1 of Richard Strauss, Concerto No. 1
b. Exposition of W.A. Mozart Concerto 2 or 4
c. First page of Hermann Neuling, Bagatelle
2. Play the following excerpts:
a. Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, Horn 1 OR 2, Movement 1, mm. 423-the end
b. Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5, Horn 1, Movement 2, Rehearsal 54-57
c. Mahler: Symphony No. 1, Horn 2, Movement 3, Rehearsal 13-15
d. Strauss: Ein Heldenleben, Horn 1, beginning to Rehearsal 5
e. Stravinsky: Rite of Spring, Horn 2, 2 before 76 to the end of excerpt
f. Stravinsky: Rite of Spring, Horn 1, Rehearsal 50-51 and 53-54
g. Mahler 7, Horn 1, II. Nachtmusik, rehearsal 107-110
For FOOSA 2025, trumpet applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. One etude or solo work of the participant’s choice that best demonstrates the level of their playing.
2. Excerpts (click here for music):
a. Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition, opening solo
b. Respighi: Pines of Rome, offstage solo
c. Stravinsky: Petrushka, Ballerina’s Dance, pick-up to mm. 135-139
d. One additional orchestral/band excerpt of the applicant’s choice that highlights their additional strengths (piccolo trumpet, rotary, jazz/commercial, etc.)
Trombone Repertoire:
Solo: One solo work of the participant’s choice.
Excerpts (click here for trombone excerpts):
a. Mozart: Tuba Mirum
b. Ravel: Bolero (solo)
c. Saint-Saens: Symphony No. 3, Rehearsal [Q] - 2 measures before [R]
d. Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (major section)
e. Rossini: La Gazza Ladra (One trombone version),Bars 115-139; 275-292
Bass trombone Repertoire:
Solo: One solo work of the participant’s choice.
Excerpts (click here for bass trombone excerpts):
a. Haydn: Creation, Achieved is the Glorious Work, mm. 1-15
b. Schumann: Symphony No. 3 “Rhenish”, Movement 4, chorale and solo
c. Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (major section)
d. Kodaly: Hary Janos
e. Mahler 7, 6 after rehearsal 42 to 44
Tuba repertoire:
One solo work of the participant’s choice.
Excerpts (click here for tuba excerpts):
a. Berlioz: Hungarian March from Damnation of Faust
b. Prokoviev: Symphony No. 5, movement 1, [3] – [6]
c. Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (major section)
d. Wagner: Meistersinger Overture - solo up to the resolution of the trill to G
e. Holst Jupiter Tuba
For FOOSA 2025, percussion applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. A solo piece from the standard mallet repertoire (2-4 mallets), that best shows applicant’s technical and musical abilities: 2-4 minutes in length.
2. Excerpts (click here for sheet music):
1. Snare Drum:
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Mov. 3, [D] to [E]; 5th measure after [F] to [G]
2. Glockenspiel:
Dukas: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, [17] to 4th measure after [19]
3. Timpani:
Tchaikovsky: 4th Symphony, Movement 1, [T] to reh [U]
4. Cymbals:
Tchaikovsky: 4th Symphony, Movement 4, m. 272 to the end
5. Tambourine:
Dvorak: Carnival Overture, beginning to m. 40 only
For FOOSA 2025, harp applicants should include in their audition videos the following:
1. A solo work from the standard harp literature: excerpt to be no longer than 5 minutes in length. (Preferably not a transcription unless it’s something like Bach/Grandjany Etudes or Liszt/Renie Le Rossignol)
2. Excerpts (click here for sheet music)
a. Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique: Un Bal, Harp 1
1. Beginning to Rehearsal 25
2. Rehearsal 32 to 35
b. Mahler, 5th Symphony: Adagietto:
1. Beginning through 8 measures after Rehearsal 2 (key change).
Note: all rest beats or measures to be counted as you would in performance.